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Why the coating looks dimming?
Release time:
The reason that coating looks dimming and rough is lots of macro particles are deposited on the coated products and diffuse reflection occurs due to the bombardment of arc ions.
What caused the black and white dots on decorating coating?
The black dots are the contaminants on the surface of working pieces, including the residuals left when cleaning and the deposits from dusts, racks, furnaces and heating tubes, and those from the dusts of evacuation furnaces. When coating, these contaminants will not be coated but become dark bulges, and the substrates will be exposed when the black dots are cleaned out.
The difference between PVD decorative coating and chemical coating:
1.Similarities: Both of them are under the category of surface treatment, and coating the surface of one material with another material via a certain method.2.Differences: (The comparison of steel substrates)
How to know the importance of mantissa in electroplating industry?
Fast delivery has become one of our advantages, which has won us good reputation among customers. We have made corresponding improvement against the questions of unpunctuality, decentralization, low yield when considering mantissa in the principle of “Mantissa First”.
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